I have wrote my first plugin(state_select). This plugin allows to create drop down list for states, same as country_select method in rails. I know this is not a big deal…

UPDATE: Curently it can generate state list for India, US, Canada, Australia, Spain and Uganda(default is US).


state_select(object, method, country=’US’, options = {}, html_options = {})

Return select and option tags for the given object and method, using state_options_for_select to generate the list of option tags.

state_options_for_select(selected = nil, country = ‘US’)

Returns a string of option tags for states in a country. Supply a state name as selected to have it marked as the selected option tag.

NOTE: Only the option tags are returned, you have to wrap this call in a regular HTML select tag.

github URL: http://github.com/bansalakhil/stateselect/tree/master

Install plugin by

script/plugin install git://github.com/bansalakhil/stateselect.git