Git Error: trailing whitespace, indent SP followed by a TAB, unresolved merge conflict
6I have been using Git from last few days, and faced following errors while committing:
1) Trailing whitespace
2) Indent SP followed by a TAB
3) Unresolved merge conflict
The first error “Trailing whitespace” is because of carriage-return/line-feed(windows style line feed/end). To resolve this problem comment following lines(58-60) in .git/hooks/pre-commit file:
if (/\s$/) { bad_line("trailing whitespace", $_); }
The second one “Indent SP followed by a TAB” is because of leading spaces/tabs. To resolve this problem comment following lines(61-63) in .git/hooks/pre-commit file:
if (/^\s* /) { bad_line("indent SP followed by a TAB", $_); }
The third one “Unresolved merge conflict” is because of seven or more successive occurrence of = or < or > characters. Major chances of having seven = character in README or doc files. To resolve this problem replace following line(64) in .git/hooks/pre-commit file:
if (/^(?:[<>=]){7}/) {
if (/^(?:[<>=]){7}$/) {
These tricks worked for me, I hope it could help you.
Git – Fast Version Control System
3Git is getting popular in Rails community these days, as there were being many changes in rails to support Git.
Git is a open sourse fast version controller system. It was originally designed by Linus Torvalds to handle large projects. It was inspired by Monotone & BitKeeper. It is a distributed version controlling system. It gives you ability to commit, traverse into history while being offline. Actually every working copy of Git is a full-fledged repository. It has no central server like SVN. One can share his working-copy/repository by using various protocols like ssh, http, ftp etc. One thing I like about Git over SVN is that the size of Git’s repository, which is smaller compared to SVN.
I gave an introductory presentation in VinSol. I am sharing it with you, this is not very explanatory as I focused on speech more. Please share your views.
Ruby script for creating new rails project and initial SVN import (with ignoring/removing log/other files)
6Some days go I wrote a bash script for creating new rails project and initial SVN import (with ignoring/removing log/other files). And I received many comments if I could write a ruby script for this stuff. Hence here is the ruby script for creating new rails project and initial SVN import (with ignoring/removing log/other files). Copy this script to any of your directory as “create_rails_with_subversion.rb” and execute by issuing “ruby create_rails_with_subversion.rb ”
You may need command line subversion for windows.
I have tested it at my windows and linux machine, if it not work for you please let me know.
Also I love to have your comments….