Site Archives capistrano

Capistrano: uploading / downloading directory to / from remote server via SCP or sftp

Hey I found two interesting functions while going through capistrano’s files. There are two functions named “upload” and “download”, which can be used to download and upload directories from / to remote server using scp.
upload(”LOCAL_DIR_PATH”, “REMOTE_PATH”, :via=> :scp, :recursive => true)
download(”REMOTE_PATH”, “LOCAL_DIR_PATH”, :via=> :scp, :recursive => true)
You can also use [...]

Presented at BarCampDelhi3

Yesterday, I attended third barcamp in delhi. I presented a session “Deploying rails application in EC2″. It was an amazing experience. We talked about EC2 and I had given a demo “How to deploy rails application on EC2″.
I personally didn’t like some sessions. There were people from some company and after every 2 mins [...]

Stuck with capistrano

I was deploying my latest code to live site today using Capistrano, and suddenly I stuck. When I tried to deploy the code, it checked out the latest version on the server and while executing after_symlink task it rolled back. I was surprised because the deploy script was working fine earlier and I haven’t made [...]

apache proxy balancer + mongrel clusters and deploying application with capistrano

So you want to setup production server with mongrel clusters and apache proxy balancer, also wants to use capistrano for deployment, huh. Take it easy, its very simple.
You need Apache 2.2 or later on your production server, and the following ruby gems on your both machine(server and local):


I haven’t mentioned rails and rake gem as [...]