I am just wondering if svn is really atomic. Actually some days ago I freezed rails and tried to commit but due to some network problem the commit process failed. And then I found some of those files under version control, which should not be there if snv is atomic. I tried many times to commit after svn delete those files, but stuck with the same problem. May be I misunderstood some thing about svn. Did somebody also faced same problem?
Yes, this has happened to me. Weird.
Yes, svn can get into a mess.
Does the error message look anything like “svn: Working copy path ‘…’ does not exist in repository”? See here
i faced this today
Repository commits are atomic. However, it is possible for the working copy to get screwed up (local filesystem operations are not atomic). Run ‘svn cleanup’ in your working copy.
I did the fresh checkout,when commit failed and found some of those files physically there.
so what could the cleanup do?
Were the files actually in the repository? Could you do an ‘svn ls URL’ and see them?
The commit may have succeeded, but the working copy revision bump may have failed.
I have deleted that project, so I can’t do that now. But I am sure, those files were in svn.